Next POSSESSED Album Will 'Definitely' Be 'Different', Says JEFF BECERRA

June 5, 2024

In a new interview with El Planeta Del Rock, POSSESSED frontman Jeff Becerra spoke about the progress of the songwriting sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Revelations Of Oblivion" LP. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I'm about halfway done — a little more than halfway done with the next album. We had that stall 'cause I got sick and had to have a surgery and COVID. But COVID would have been the perfect time to write, but then I had to go to the hospital. So I'm back from the surgery. Everything's cool. So between touring we're writing."

Regarding the musical direction of the new POSSESSED material, Becerra said: "I think this one, we're kind of taking some turns, which is always dangerous, but people are like that with POSSESSED no matter what we do. So, yeah, I'm just kind of taking my time at writing, coming from the heart and really working on it. But it's definitely a different kind of album."

As for how he looks back on "Revelations Of Oblivion" five years after the LP's release, Jeff said: "I really liked it. It's weird. When you make new music, you're like, 'Oh, this song's gonna go over like gangbusters,' but then it's always the songs that you didn't expect [that] statistically do better. So I've lost track of trying to pay attention or trying to guide the machine. I'm just playing what I want, and I think with 'Revelations', I had to kind of stay in my own lane, which was great. It was straight-forward."

POSSESSED originally split in 1987, leaving behind a short but highly influential legacy, most notably 1985's "Seven Churches" album. Internal tensions after the release of 1987's "The Eyes Of Horror" EP led to the band's dissolution, with guitarist Larry Lalonde joining Bay Area tech-thrashers BLIND ILLUSION, then PRIMUS, while Becerra, guitarist Mike Torrao and drummer Mike Sus each going separate directions.

Two years after POSSESSED's split, Becerra was the victim of a failed armed robbery attempt, leaving him partially paralyzed and wheelchair-bound and sending him into a spiral of drug and alcohol abuse. POSSESSED was reactivated by Torrao in 1990 with a completely different lineup, but only released two demos before dissolving in 1993. Becerra then reformed POSSESSED in 2007 with his own lineup, which released its first studio album in 33 years, the aforementioned "Revelations Of Oblivion".

Photo credit: Hannah Verbeuren (courtesy of Nuclear Blast Records)

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